it is the last one that led to infuriation from many users, and that is totally justified. Removing one of the most important features that were perfectly working in its predecessor just didn’t really make any sense. Fortunately, it seems Microsoft is about to make amends and has already put the first step in this direction by bringing back the ability to drag-and-drop the system tray icons in Windows 11. However, at the time of writing, it is live only for the Insider preview users who are on build number 25211. But even in that domain, there are quite a few users who are yet to receive this feature because the Redmond giant tends to roll out these features in batches and it could take days before it reaches you. With that said, there does exist a nifty workaround through which you could enable this feature right away. Let’s check out how this could be carried out.

Enable Drag and Drop for System Tray in Windows 11

How to Disable Drag and Drop for System Tray icons in Windows 11

If for some reason this feature is no longer in sync with your requirement, then you could easily remove it using the below-listed instructions: That’s it. These were the steps to enable/disable drag and drop for system tray icons on your Windows 11 PC. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.

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